A practical guide to sharing the nature of experience to others

Previously called 'Teaching the Principles'

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This resource deepened my understanding & also in gaining confidence in facilitating myself -Rudi held the space brilliantly so that the whole group were able to be very open about their thoughts & feelings & therefore great learning took place.I would love to attend another similar day to progress even more & would recommend it very strongly indeed .

Ann Buckingham

A crash course in almost everything you need to know to teach the three principles! From practically, setting up and starting a business, to advice on how to create a space for insights and the main points of the principles and why to share them.

This training was enormously helpful to the participants and many said they were ‘ready to facilitate’ after the course finished. These are the recordings of the course and includes the downloadable audios. This resource is a must for anyone interested in a thorough overview of facilitating the principles.

Some of the topic covered

What do I call myself?

How do I market my business?

Working with trauma

Getting clients?

Do you need an elevator speech?

Creating a website

Different ways of talking about the principles

The two main points to share in any there principles talks

Creating an environment for insights

Teaching the principles as a paradigm

Non-duality and the principles

Innate health and the principles

An example of facilitating

Using a visual, a story, a metaphor and a teaching point to facilitate insight.

The combined experience of Ann and Rudi as business owners and facilitators helps clarify and simplify and the teaching of the principles and answer many practical questions around setting up and running a principle based business.

This video resource was filmed over a five hour course then edited down and split up into 16 video parts covering a specific topic

Rudi and Ann share in such a way that you are constantly and gently brought back to the one truth of the way we work. Questions we had about how to market/ share the understanding / best support clients seen as Thought in the moment opened up fluidity, creativity, clarity and flexibility, took away any ‘right way’ thinking, and helped dissolve stressful or insecure thinking around ‘how to’s’. There were some wonderful discussions and insights into the practicalities of marketing and facilitating. I was left with a renewed sense of security to do and share in the way that comes to me in the moment. The beautiful simplicity of being with our clients in a state of loving connection allows each moment to unfold exactly as it unfolds. No rights, no wrongs. Ann and Rudi have the gift of bringing the elegance, simplicity and supreme logical practicality of this understanding to life in each moment, and this is inspirational and a gift to be shared with the world.

Annie Roberts

Thank you for a wonderful course! I took so much away for myself and how to take this understanding out to clients.I just love the energy of Ann and yourself, I think the two of you work really well together. I think it is a good idea having two facilitators because both of you have such a beautiful but different way of explaining the understanding of the Logic of how mind works, which does leave no question unanswered.
Rudi said so nicely “ As a facillitaor you are a channel for what turns up”
It is for us to find the right language to communicate with our client and unfold lovingly and understanding the resilience which is inbuilt in all of us.

Paola Royal

Your Instructor

Rudi Kennard and Ann Ross
Rudi Kennard and Ann Ross

In 2004 Rudi trained with Sydney Banks and for the past five years Rudi has been training people to become facilitators, has spoken to over fifteen different populations (from jail inmates to corporate executives) and run workshops in over a dozen countries.

Before coming across the nature of experience Ann Ross was an international facilitator giving training to hundreds of people per event all over the world and pioneered her own energy psychologies. Since then Ann has been mentoring new facilitators and giving trainings to different populations from health professionals to schools.

The combined experience of Ann and Rudi as business owners and facilitators helps clarify and simplify the teaching and answer many practical questions around setting up and running a coaching/facilitation business

Rudi and Ann worked beautifully together seamlessly going from one to the other both pointing towards to logic of how we are working as human beings. They expertly took all of our questions at the beginning of the day, distilled them into three questions and addressed them all. At the end of the day there were no more questions.

Sheena Oxer

I experienced a wonderful shift from attending this day with Rudi and Ann. I actually created a meetup group from it, something I'd previously wanted to do but dismissed thinking I couldn't and wasn't worthy/good enough. All that thinking dropped and I just did it! I have continued to just do it since. You guys rock!

Max Ball

What a privilege to have this day with Ann and Rudi talking about the Power of facilitating!Ann and Rudi shared in a very personal, clear, gentle and loving way their own experience from years of facilitation - from creating the loving space of facilitating, to useful practical advice, with many examples.
For me personally, it gave me a new perspective both on the Principles and on what facilitating really means. The message I took with me home was ”Just because you think you cannot do it, it isn't true”. This course was exactly what I needed!

Marie Engel

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If you are an on-line training subscriber you have access to the course for as long as you are subscribed. If you have purchased this course you have lifetime access.

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