A practical guide to sharing the nature of experience to others
Previously called 'Teaching the Principles'
Watch PromoAnn Buckingham
A crash course in almost everything you need to know to teach the three principles! From practically, setting up and starting a business, to advice on how to create a space for insights and the main points of the principles and why to share them.
This training was enormously helpful to the participants and many said they were ‘ready to facilitate’ after the course finished. These are the recordings of the course and includes the downloadable audios. This resource is a must for anyone interested in a thorough overview of facilitating the principles.
Some of the topic covered
What do I call myself?
How do I market my business?
Working with trauma
Getting clients?
Do you need an elevator speech?
Creating a website
Different ways of talking about the principles
The two main points to share in any there principles talks
Creating an environment for insights
Teaching the principles as a paradigm
Non-duality and the principles
Innate health and the principles
An example of facilitating
Using a visual, a story, a metaphor and a teaching point to facilitate insight.
The combined experience of Ann and Rudi as business owners and facilitators helps clarify and simplify and the teaching of the principles and answer many practical questions around setting up and running a principle based business.
This video resource was filmed over a five hour course then edited down and split up into 16 video parts covering a specific topic
Annie Roberts
Paola Royal
Your Instructor
In 2004 Rudi trained with Sydney Banks and for the past five years Rudi has been training people to become facilitators, has spoken to over fifteen different populations (from jail inmates to corporate executives) and run workshops in over a dozen countries.
Before coming across the nature of experience Ann Ross was an international facilitator giving training to hundreds of people per event all over the world and pioneered her own energy psychologies. Since then Ann has been mentoring new facilitators and giving trainings to different populations from health professionals to schools.
The combined experience of Ann and Rudi as business owners and facilitators helps clarify and simplify the teaching and answer many practical questions around setting up and running a coaching/facilitation business
Sheena Oxer
Max Ball
Course Curriculum
StartPart 1: Facilitating The Three Principles
StartPart 2: Facilitating The Space for Insights.
StartPart 3: Using Language
StartPart 4: Principle or People-centric
StartPart 5: The Principles Are Not a Thing
StartPart 6: Working With Trauma
StartPart 7: What Do You Call Yourself?
StartPart 8: How Do You Market Yourself?
StartPart 9: Getting Clients and Work
StartPart 10: Creating an Authentic Website and Business
StartPart 11: The Elevator Speech!
StartPart 12: Nerves and Talking From the Unknown
StartPart 13: Example of Facilitation
StartPart 14: Teaching the Principles as Principles
StartPart 15: The Paradigm and Non-Duality
StartPart 16: The Goal as Facilitator and Attendee Reflections
Marie Engel