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Facilitating to different groups and populations
First Section
Part 1: Overview of Facilitation
Part 2: Packaging the Principles
Part 3: Sharing to People Who Are Not Interested
Part 4: Qualifications to Share and Insecurity in Sharing.
Part 5: Principles and Money.
Part 6: In Pact and Insight
Part 7: Sharing When You Feel You Have Forgot it.
Part 8: Business 1. Being Ordinary
Part 9: Business 2. Qualifications to Share
Part 10: Business 3. Time Needed With Companies
Part 11: Business 4, Size of Group and Business Issues.
Part 12: Business 5. What to Share in Business
Part 13 Business 6. Story
Part 14: Education 1. Overview on Education.
Part 15: Education 2. Pitching to Schools.
Part 16: Education 3. Teaching Props
Part 17: Education 4. The Set-up for Sharing in Schools.
Part 18: Different Cultures 1.
Part 19: Different Cultures 2.
Part 20: Different Cultures 3.
Part 10: Business 3. Time Needed With Companies
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